Walt cleaning goggles, before losing them on his radio antennae. |

"I just know there's a trail here somewhere!" Fugawe Trail at
its finest. |

Walt on the early part of Fugawe.

Walt now into the thick of Fugawe Trail. |

Randy at the summit of Grindstone Peak. |

George Flanagan and Jim Loveall - Mutt & Jeff! |

Vernon Wade and his rockin' Triumph Tiger sidehack. |

David Butt doing the slow test with his wife Kim cheering him on! |

Another sidecar sighting... |

Vernon on his way to the Slow Test - he has to keep it on two
wheels. He did it in two seconds! |

Washington State AA Enduro Champ "Big Al" Fetterly. |

The Tube Toss Test. |
Da Winnah! Jeff Morris shows his loot. |
 Rick, Dave &
Kim. Funny how Kim has a firm grasp on the $100 that Dave won.
:-) |

Vernon gives Ariel a thrilling ride! |

Can you tell she's having fun? |

Dinner at the Lodge after the event. Good food and good friends! |

Dan "I just know I can balance at least 30 seconds!" Hatcher |

"Okay, well maybe half that..." |