Follie this >>>

Lee has a lot to say, we just hope you can explain it to us! Catch up on all of Bin Rydin's Quatrains here!

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Follie this >>>

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Nov 18, 2006 8:10 pm

On Tuesday olde bin ridlin will be driveing up to Coos Bay to take possession
(or get possessed)
by one of these thingamabobies
Look out CO two, it has a twin ONAN gas engine

but today olde bin rydin had a couple o mishaps
seems he has been cutting some new trail lately (totally by hand)
he and Joan of Arc just polished off one yesterday
and bin set out to test it today

Yep ~ it was too narrow....

I knew it was, but i was just too tired to do it proper and all yesterday
so off i went ~ literally ...

So I tagged a really big planted Madrone with the bar
and when I went to put my foot down
there was no earth there

so i am handlebars downhill with my leg pinned under the bike
with gas dripping out of the carb
my glasses and goggles were all fogged up

I looked at my options.........................................................................
ever asstute, and haveing left my plastic explosives on the tool bench (durn, not yet again... you dolt)
I went to option "B" > "get the ferking bike off my leg" thing
That took awhile as my head was at a 45 degree angle or worse downhill in the cut up tree trash I had discarded there two weekends ago

then the next thing was to be able to see again so i clawed the goggles and glasses off and threw them UP on the trail
and shed the multitude of "stuff" we trail junkies seem to have velcroed everywhere on our bonnies

now that I could finally see, and had extricated my leg
the next step was to lever the handlebars from 45 degrees down hill angle to upright from the low side of the trail
by finding judiciose purchase with boot and trees the bike was re erected
only the handbars hit the same Madrone that started this whole thing in the first place, AGAIN
Will Histelbeard will recognise this trail section as the one below the one that gave him trouble that we skipped the rest of that day
we call it "triple double tree" but since I spent most of the afternoon there
getting my bike back up the hill
I noticed that a lot of the trees are "doubletrees"

no NOT because i was seeing double ~ they really are...
so through juejitsue like movements I got the bike up, drained the float bowl,
started it with only a half kick till my boot hit the ground
real funny Art
, turned around, i mean NO PLACE around there was flat enough to kick the thing
and as luck would have it the kicker was on the uphill side
I could here Art Mennick larfing at me as the sweat dripped off and I continued to slip ever down the hill on the wet off camber leaves
"Get a push button start bike" Lee said Art

I got the beast lit and turned around finally
then fogged up so bad I could not see my hands and blew up this hill past the trail turn, where it turned (I have never ridden this trail before, I just cut it)
and damn if I did not wheelie it over on its side again
handlebars downhill at least 45 degrees negativity
with me under it...
the good news was I had gotten both tires up to the edge of someplace flat first

yeh haw narf snoortle ~~~~~

So Tom in Bandon are you all busy with crab pots and whatnot?
I am going to meet this guy from hiway 26 west out of Portland at 1 PM tuesday on the south end of Coos Bay with the trail machine.

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Postby Tawmass » Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:57 am

Glad to hear you finally got back up again Byn, I'm sure it looked comical sorta something like this....

The thought of you running a trail machine brungs shudders!
You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:30 am

there is a man in Idahoe
who carves trail for a living so
he tells me the trail carvers
\fall un down from time to time

you get your winch and chain thing
and you are back on the trail again

~~~pray your harmonica son~~~

you can cool it ~ you can heat it
but buddy don't yah beat it
its the same across any "nation"
this mass descrimination

in any town or any place

now there is no time to de lay
this trouble coming every day

the un confermered reports
of de in ventoried ways and such
and further i ass sert
that the grants from FORD and PEW grants them

to stomp upon the land that
You have no right to ride here
it is the same across "this" nation
the mass desrimination

~~~just carve out a trail Mon~~~

well you can kick it, you can ride till its valves float
you can ignore its odre
and push the remote control
button again

it is the echo of our will that stands
and when good men get too soft
the jackels alway there
to take and strip away

the "rights" our fathers fought for
now politically corrected
everything is "alright
grab a homo salmon
and grill on the barbie

i got the tasteie flavoreite
of the new trail order
but you are yet to understand it

so into the dark we go

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:53 am

once i get a hanndle
on all the knobes on trail hoe
the planetetorie spinning
will goe backwards

~~~don't you know~~~

that ackward stench of closure
and don't go no here no mo...

this new world disoder
with all its inflexible components
not as hard as diamonds
watch them as they break

a few febile at the top
control the mess masses with deception
and we are our for blood tonight

we got the HID lights
we know who is good and bad

~~~pray your har monica ~ son ~~~

it's just a thought away

if perhaps you cared
all this bullblep
would not be here

and we would be riding
across our nation once again

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Dino ~ the Trail Hoes first wobbling steps...

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:07 pm

Actually this is more like "Lee the Trail Hoes Opperators" first wobbling steps...

I un tarped and unchained the beast this morning and got the trailer attached to the truck
and proceeded to figure out how to start the engine, find the starter key and choke, and throttle, and the combination of said things to get her purring
Adam says the engine is 24 or 25 HP, it has a full sized car like oil filter, still have not found where you check the oil, but she cleaned up and ran really well

I barely managed to find out what the 8 operating levers do without wipeing out the entire rear end of my truck with the backhoe bucket
I mean it was pretty close indeed
I had to get the bucket up and over the trailer wheel fender without wipeing out my tailgate or tailights, or the whole ass end of my truck...
Oh, this takes more skill than I thought...

Then I pulled back on the tracks rear drives sticks
and even that took more skill than I thought to drive the machine back off the trailer STRAIGHT
I ran a Cat ONCE back in College in a farm machinery course for maybe 15 minutes...

So I got Dino the trail ho down onto terra firma (my driveway is considered by some to be a fairly stable place)
otters would not agree, but thats another story...

and i walked her backwards into a wide spot on the driveway and tryed out all the levers
one puts the blade down hard enought to lift the front end into the air a good 6 inches
one tilts the blade side to side verticle to cut into offcamber hillside
(to angle the blade in the third dimention, horizonal, you must get off and move a pin)

the other four run the backhoe, and I still havent figured them out yet
but i did manage to totally turn my driveway into a dug up mess playing with all these levers
turning it around and stuff like that

(my house still stands)

so then i took her up a slight hill into the garden and found out that if you have the hoe arm extended
you can do a major "Stoppie" with the rear tracks up in the air at least a foot...

I was just so thrilled i almost peed my pants
so i decided that i had better attempt to get her back to flat earth ground
(Joan really wanted me to park it right there as she was watching this whole trail ho danceamabobie wirling dervich performance)
but I sucksessfully landed her back where I had started

took a few photos, noted where at least 100 zerk fittings need to be greased
its a great machine that just needs a decent opporator
perhaps bin Rydin can find a bin Diggin down deep in its soul
(with a little seat time)

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Postby Tawmass » Thu Nov 23, 2006 11:29 pm

You paint a great picture, Bin! I can see you now... :wink:

You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.


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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:23 pm

i never rode a V twin
i never greased a hundred zerks before
i stopped by local auto shop
picked upped multiple tubes

of grease

we got the moly emblemulum
we got lithium to spare

we pump these variouse veins full
till Dino never squeeks and so
and furTter i assert
that any trail across this land
any pathway you tumble down

is just a passageway you found
GOES between here and there...

"pray your harmonica son X ics"

well little players asks me
if this is end to trailing
yeh of little faith echo them
in any place
in any town

on planet so and so

and further they assert
that everyone everywhere
has bowed out to the UN
and marches to the same beaten

but now is not the time
for my uncle owns a strore
and i am a loesouse janitor

who thinks up lyrics on the trail
and makes a 250 sing

we got bling across our eyes and
the fire in our eyes are not like anything
the beast has ever seen

`blow you packing out son"

you see the idea of its demise
has got the quaking attention
of those

whoe publish fear andsuch
asshole who clench and close\
every asset and orface tweween
place A and B
it seem
Last edited by Bonnie Meadowes on Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:27 pm

ride the trails of Don Ivan
where just a little slippe
would put your pippe

no place on the earth

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:23 pm

in some small the nsa
would crook their neck and such
they got a jocker with a brownie
snappin photos left and right

some of them are mexicans, some are japanese
most are planeily green off planetie

their time is running out
little understanding
just a bunch of clout

overt reaction
the keystrokes 2 or 4

you wander if they ever see
the trails in the sky

or if it is just drunken insanity
where nations fell down before thee

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:28 pm

Posted picture showes yah
my tounge no talking forkad
and if can unravel
these mass insanities

the picture is not pretty
the balence is not right

I met a man upon the trail
with a colt 45 ~ Zip Tied
to his chest protector
and further I ass sert

as this nation inverts it freedom
takes away speech and trails
and herds it lonnie individuals
into media confusion

you will be the first to hear and feal
cause when this load is delivered

you will smell the smell and see the sights
and "your" pretty painted box
"belongs" to them as well

for when everybodys off to work
their "work" has just begun
tearing down damns and lifestiles
all without a gun

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:38 pm

I gots this pretty "picture"
my tounge is hanginin out
I got Chemtrail overt head
and Nude Trail under feet, "oh Man"

some may think i'm crazy
then they see bin toppin the hill and crossin the creek again
glad he's putin beers away now
for tomorrow could be difficult...

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:07 pm

barfore the UNFS
evert seas Dirk Pitt
all ahead full throttle
never understanding
what came before or after

the tire rufesse to grab
upon the turn in the rock

because the traction in the rain
and the knobbie in the mud

never knew this place in the first one before

if this place is slilding
and your mind is still alerting you

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:17 pm

the barflyiean mothra that went overt myan head
was sheielded buy mine cold hard bar gaurds
avast the hollowed angles sang
is this NSTE or NTBM tread?

just wrap some furgan teflone tape
around it mate

ve must be often now
come hither dannder and dandruft
lift mine front overt yon loggy thingamabobie
or soon ve musty crashamabobi\

up liften here dino was a spoutin
hydralicing as iffin
had seen a ghoast upon theam ice slidering

bliffin and blander unt balderdice liftenenger
frount end overt the log in the path

yupan jimmanie just up ahaead
were visions oh clouds

UN spinning in yah head

twas the Knight Before Christ Mass

and all were soilent green

the natives had stacked less than 96 dece bells
by their schacksa 125's

with 5 speeds and change
and malcome smith pants
the littleballwonders imersers of knowledge
drew aside and then

whent and had a pizza donut instead

the lesson o understanding up where
no one goes to stand
is that no ones there to pick you up
when you grandstand

no medal shall hold you down
no one to fix your tire

no one to hold your werrie arm
as you are about to

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:41 pm

stick your tounge out or anything so rude as that ~~~>>>
sorry, could note thimk of a rhyme
just yet
give me time
just getting overt the latest virust modul ewnvelope

happy trails to you
until we meet again poloanium 210

[editors note] placement of dick chanies model daughters lovers spearm boners tusk is vell hided
dear iz no implication to eater nancy nor hill

you may commence invasion at leasure

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:50 pm

"help im iraq'
the mothers of inventoins sang
"help i am under a rock"
pour bonnie rang
with bins lower tounge region
now in wilderness
there is little to twang about
BTW Tawmass
that has to be the most
stunning photographic rendition ever recovered
of the urban mythical godess "bonnie" from early paliomonolitic era times
that i have ever seen
i mean that toung has earth mother just drouling off it

or perhaps it is of the late 2 stroke oil paintings
of the nieantrethalls suspention era
preiore to such things as springs?

let me pop another cheap beer and cogitate

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