1st annual Feral Cow ride

Lee has a lot to say, we just hope you can explain it to us! Catch up on all of Bin Rydin's Quatrains here!

Moderators: Tawmass, Bonnie Meadowes

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:01 pm

not to mention where or anything ~~~
but the Feral COWes live...

good job with your trap UNFS

Warning to feral riders!!!
if you ever come across a naked girl holding a spare gas
fresh goggles
tire irons and new meats

if she gives you that come hither look

first see if Dan Hatcher is anywhere around snapping photos
cause you know you are even less attractive than bin rydin

and the last time it happened to him was in the sixties

but seriousely like (yeah) will robertson lost a one gallon can out there somewhere
it was red, and has a bunch of sparkie like divots in it
where it kept coming off his bike and bungie jumpin all over the road

we think it is hideing after the feral cow sightin
and before pyramid rock

if you see it
do not attempt to save it
call 911

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Postby Tawmass » Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:32 am

The Feral Cow - be afraid, be very afraid:

You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

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Bonnie Meadowes
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thats exactly what i was forgoting about

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:29 pm

right before a feral cow sneeks up on you
you kind of jear this snotleing sound
perhaps it sounds like a honey fifty
but then it starts bleating big time...
pretty soon your chest protecore` starts to melt
and your boots plastick buckeless straps starts
drippin from the pegs
"i just hate when that happens"
bonnie starts backfireing about when i used to ride orange dawg into the night
with a tweny watt 6 volt
and then you sit there dwingleing her air filter
buy the side of the trail again

i mean whats not to like about that ?
her tounge orange and covered with trail dirt

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:38 pm

aswan backwards has rearranged itselves
its kilobytes as dust monkies
have put posts on pages
from years ago

these rearrangements tho hard to access
are no cake
for trail read ah

you broke down by the side in a rock?

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:49 pm

once the freedom becomes free
even the chip will naught stumble
you see
for if you ever stare in its mauve

gravety of it power
won't hunt you
no more

just an olde man on an old dirt bike
un der powered and without sight

balenced flashed underhanded might
between these stormes
we ride the night

with rewound coils
and big tanks
the arrowes pointing
across the land

foundation grants lock and fire
to tie up and crucifie the mind

the skinnie trail
terrify and hone the mind set
come home safe
again and again

the sweaty helmet
of resistance
the muddie boots
the one finger salutes

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:58 pm

across this land the ryders come
they got nothin but knobbless mud
they seek the trail that you all know
freedom to be ~ or go to hell

we got guberment alright
signed sealled and delivered
out o sight

they drag away patriots overt night
from i raque


you might cast a stone
from your knobbie
un known

but this weekend i had to talk one down
ak47 or limit from now on

you see the web decending from the sky
the trails a closeing

yet not the nature of the beast

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:08 pm

wildlands released everyday
you stand unbelieveing

global war ming gathers wind
Du Du Du Du Dah...
dot ah duh

the briders gather and
no one seems to gather the plan
its the same almosay every day

closed forest and burn it away

you might go round every gate
under and over every tank trap

they might decommishin every way
you might just ride it both ways

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:15 pm

we are getting close to the perfect ride

du muph du umph du umph

wide screan scanninning upon the trail
whatever un mammened chip was installed
leveraging weighting peg throttle

give nature conncervanciey
a change to chatch up

du du du du do dah

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:26 pm

yeah its all pretty normal
its just me
bonnie, bin
and a hope and a prayer

bin laurfin left in a huff
several years ago

gentelmen ~ place your bets

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:27 pm

start your engines in a cold still canyon
proceed to ricoche
off the rocks amazeing
balenced with American Balls

down the twisted trail
o deception sputtering back newes ing as if...

holding agency at bay
they like the fall colors
\the tacky mud
this way

thoughtlessly rydin where few think to tread

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:32 pm

poppin on deceleration
the engine breaks for a great view
ahead these freedoms challege
these rides for now do not realise

found these gather hither
the salt o the earth arrise

mammoth slabs o land change hands
soard o conviction slays its path whatever
log hopper plays across

whan wirld oder
its just a con sept
presidential oder in its hand
tapin and recording alloigator rythum man

they whellie up and close off all the lanz
oh oh oh ooo?

alligator come up and closed it down down ough ough ~ down
took it way from me yesterday ~ agh ah hah

no they don't
Know they don't

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:25 pm

the mech an a cle vote machine
close trailzs
bin rydin votes
trail wide

alligator bother me no mo
ah ho hah
just a little tune up rhyme

les your understanding chatches up
towards reality
the crazies and unfit
rideing old girls bikes
with hundred watt halogens
a tire patch kit
and valve removal tool
at hand

oh ooo ug ah

hillary on a two stroake
ah hah hah haw

come one come all across this thin devide

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Just got back from a Don Ivan ride

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:16 am

Ever riden around Twain Harte California ?
Well this oldeboy just did ~ nice stuff i must say
as you well know it has been "raining" in the NW
to call it rain would be an understatement

so olde bin tooked his bonnie down to sunny
northern california ~ to a Don Ivan ride
this one called the "lower elevational before the snow hits
last chance~dude ride" or something like that ???
it staged out of Twain Harte California
and i must say that since Don was born on a dirt bike here
he really knows how to give you a good ride

well it rained the first day
and the seven of us just kind of re con outered
and we decided that all of us could stay one more day
and do the Saturday on Sunday
and the Sunday on Monday
looked like a great plan

until they changed the weather forcast

but on Sunday we did the Saturday and it was awe some
there was even a hint of dust (go figure) as it had rained steady all day Saturday (but hey ~ it's Califorornica)

the drop offs if you ferked up were phenominal
in some places your bike and your splat mark
could have been retrieved
in several places that you just were mire minutes ago

GOD the fall colors were AWESOME
all day long I kept testing the hard looking orange and purple clay base
it looked very slimeball, but it never let slide out

alas the winter days are short
a roll chart that would fill a summer day (barely turned in the roll chart holder) "jeese mc gergatriod"
we got into "lunch" at 230 PM (we had coffee at 545 AM)
by 630 AM i had all three doors of by pickup unfrozen
by 7 i had the durn windshield onfrozen, and had made breakfast and lunch

the funnyest thing was that we staged out of this brand spanking new
"Indian" Casino and there were no people there when we unloaded in the AM
Realize that we were way over on the far edge of the otmost furtest backwater woods of this place

So olde bin Rydin pulls in about 330 PM and starts to load his bike and shed his gear
he looks around and figures that he still is "Out There" ofF the edge of the gambleing ecosfearic edge of the parking lot
(you know ~buy the trees)
and so he just kind of opens the truck door
like a modest lad would
and pisses about a 100 ounce camel bak out
what relief ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

then between checking tie downs and such
he pops a blue ribbon beer
and takes a few swiggs

here come the casino cops !!!

seems they have those purple/black globe survalence thingamabobies
and have been watching me
"Urinate & Open a beer"

MY MY ~ I feel so Sp[ecial
no one saw me make that slimiey uphill an hour ago
i mean i shou;ld get an award
that took some real skill

what about that invisibile "trail"
earlier in the day
did anybody vidiotape THAT ?>
even the deer never walked on that thing

so i was really nice and said
Yes i have a beer and yes i took a piss
so i will pour the other 10 ounces of beer out
but the piss will just have to rain out tonight

more later riders

coming in

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:29 am

turns out both casino cops are dirt riders
and we ended up being friends and talking about places to ride
and both of them piss when they get back to the truck
and pop a beer

sing alonge

It a small wirld after all
if your happy and you know it
then your face will truely show it
ride the clapped out valves out of here

BTW C U on the trail
~~~~~~~~~~~>>>>>> ?? !!! ///,, Urk narf...

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bin rydin
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new roll chart

Postby bin rydin » Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:39 pm

my my, bonnie meadowes has finally smacked my face awake, where is that coffee?
her chest protectatorate is in the “off” mode and her helmit orafice is, well…
and it is now tyme for the nickie crash bin rydin’Z reading
the latest readings from the elusive cave paintings of the es steamed "bin Rydin"
trailterrorist of very small amphibians and minor tree moss particles, not to mention the nudely hatchered splotted owls thingamabobbies
the actual bin rydin model has bin re posessed by the warner bro's "barbie" division
YES, “Sponge Bob Square Pants Barbie” has taken overt bin Rydins cage at gitalongMo
And haz bin enjoying a Vel deserVived a section vacating vivasectional water borgging jaunt in cuba’s east coastal “trail of orange jumpsuits”
The lit’yl bitc*h figured out how to pick the depilated urarianium locks I had placed around my
pristeame ~ historonic honder reflex flexframe bike
toked it up in some rode less Vilt er ness area
stripped off the flame protector
and started 480 million forest fires in western states
she only used the 1.7 gallon tank
but GOD, it was Premium !!!
Smonge Knobbie Barkie, we be sending you bark up to O’Dell collect no return addy baby

I tried to keep her off the Carbon Dioxide
Butt square pants was diverting me with offers to get free gas if I bought a dodge diesel

Never the less, bin has snuck off sulking
Armed with carbide tipped weedeaters, a couple of quarts of 2 stoke massage oil
And a 12 gauge chain guitar laziod tubular trail clearance device
“Dan” would know nothing about this…

Yesterday, I came home, and found that sponge bob had ordered one of those new “Smart Chains”
So I unwrapped it and set it next to the bike
The next morning I awoke like the kid at Christmas
But the chain was still in the box
“Smart Chain”
yeah Right

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