'05 Black Dog ride reports

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'05 Black Dog ride reports

Postby Tawmass » Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:10 pm

I need a couple days to summarize up how my view of the ride went, but in the meantime, here are the pix of the event that I took (which still need captions):


Also, to see the great photos that Steve Rozday took, go here:

Also, if you were running a Garmin GPS, please email me your tracklog, as I'd like to start keeping a collection of them.

And finally, here's the linky for Vern's Sidecar Adventures that he discussed at the awards ceremony:

Last edited by Tawmass on Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Dive » Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:14 pm

And before he does ad his captions. I'd just like to point out that photo number 27 is nothing more than some simply trick photography, done with lights and mirrors.


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Black Dog Event/Ride

Postby jorgemas » Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:53 pm

First off, this was Steve and myself's first Dualsport Event. Great job by the NWT&T folks on everything! Met a lot of good people as well, along with great riders who certainly can teach me plenty. All the folks who attended the event were very warm to a couple of strangers, thank you all.

One of my first observations, "man you people get up early!". We were there in the capacity of sweepers, so thankfully while you folks started signing in, riding, and having a great time, I was drinking coffee, double checking frequencies with Billy Toman, trying to find my riding gear, last minute checks of the bike, harrassing Danno, and Tom, "when are we supposed to head out"? I tend to be a night owl so this role works for me. However, I believe the night owl in me probably caused lack of sleep for many, I will have to try and work on that next year!

Second observation: Riding while trying to operate and read the roll chart, the odo, the terrain, etc. was a bit of a challenge. Lot's of fun though, kind of like a poker run where you actually have to think.
Our first duty Saturday was to sweep the B-course until the seasoned sweepers caught us( the Juenemanns), which they did at the first checkpoint. We graciously let them go ahead, and we played tag with them for a bit through those trails past the first check(sorry first timer, staring intently at the mileage on the rollchart, never ridden in this area, I couldn't remember the trails if I had to!).

At some point Danno and Randy caught us, again, couldn't tell you where, nice ride report eh. Never have ridden with any of these guys before, and it was obvious I was the caboose. I think it was somewhere around there, that I gave up looking at the roll chart too intently and concentrated more on the disappearing backside of Danno as he cruised through the forest. We finished sweeping the B and C courses and decided to take on some trail back to lunch checkpoint. That was great! On the way to lunch Steve and myself had a little too much fun. We both appreciate all the help and effort many of you gave out, and the support from the rest. Again, a tip of the cap to the whole group at the event. I tried to thank as many of you as I could, so hopefully I did not forget someone. My Saturday ride was done, not necessarily in the fashion we both would have liked.

After tending to business Saturday afternoon, came back and enjoyed the socializing around the fire. Good job on the music gents, pretty darn good guitar.

Sunday morning was almost a carbon copy of Saturday only I was running an hour later. This time my sweep was in a foursome with Danno, Milo, Gunny and myself. Excellent, more schooling! I can use it. The outer gear was definitely put to the test on Sunday and worked remarkably well. I swept the B and C course with the gang until Milo and Gunny broke off to do the A. I did like that rocky, rutted uphill road, as well as that single track through the brush, too cool, need to do that again.

Amazingly enough I did have the opportunity to help some folks out, not quite like we were helped out, but in one particular instance, I forget the rider's name, but he had a flat after the A trail. I offered up some ty-wraps, cause I heard somewhere that if you ty-wrapped the rim to the tire, it would get you back to the truck, etc. After he put the zips on the tire, he takes off, and within 10 feet they all came off! Next year I bring industrial sized ty-wraps. So much for that help!

Sunday night got to hang out with a number of folks from Washington, and elsewhere, and again had a great time. I am bad with names, you will have to forgive me.

In summary, a grand time, something to be done again sans the motogp exhibition! Steve appreciated the trophy though in his heart, he probably would have liked to have seen someone else win it.

Thanks to NWT&T, Tom, all the folks who participated, and the sweep crew we got to ride with, Juenemanns, Randy, Gunny, Danno. Memories were certainly made! Hope to make it next year.



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Postby dndj » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:50 pm

Well, I guess I should add my ride report too. Milo (my brother) and I rode A course sweep on Saturday with Gunny and Paul and had a great time. We were just glad to be out there after a 1.5 hour "git er done" wrenching session in the pits before we left. There's a story here...

After getting all geared up Saturday morning, Milo and I (the above mentioned brothers Juenemann :wink: ) took off about an hour after everyone left to start sweep. About 3 miles down the highway after leaving Mt. Hood Village, Milo's XR400 mysteriously started cutting out and belching black smoke when it cut back in, anywhere above part throttle and especially with load. So we stopped at the entrance to Still Cr. Road, poked around with the air filter, etc. Finding nothing, we turned back to camp since it wasn't rideable. Once back, started the process of elimination, beginning with possibility of bad gas from a can that had been stored too long. We scrounged 2 of Tom's milk jugs and drained the entire tank and bowl. Refilled with fresh, tested, same problem. Since "Mr. Prepared" Milo didn't have a spare plug, we scrounged a used spare one from a XR600 rider who was heading home early due to mechanical difficulties. Tested again, same problem. So now we get serious, pulled the tank, seat, and carb off. All the time I'm thinking "damn I hope I get to ride today..." as the sun was beginning to come out I was getting real antsy by this time. While we were wrestling with the carb, Tom walks up to check progress, points down to the coil (normally hidden underneath the tank, now removed) and says "hey, why is that bolt missing there?". Turns out there was a ground lug that mounted under that same bolt. Once we scrounged a 6x20mm bolt from my toolbox and threw everything back together, it ran like a champ! Good thing Tom was wandering around camp, otherwise we might have bolted things back together and never found the root of the problem...

So we finally hit the course, but since we were so far behind at this point we rode straight up the highway to CJ's Chevron and fueled up. As we were sitting there, Danno and Randy rode up behind us after sweeping out the first section. Shortly after this, we caught up with Mike and Steve at the 1st checkpoint, who were sweeping with Danno and Randy. Not much eventful to report for awhile, as the weather dried out we were lovin' life blasting down what were normally sled trails in the winter.

At some point later on we connected up with Gunny and Paul who had went out on a mid-sweep of the A course. Pretty soon we started catching up with a few riders. All 4 of us got sort of lost at one point where the rollchart had a confusing intersection graphic, with text that said "TRAIL NOT ROAD". We didn't see any trail entrance so went down the road for a couple miles until the next intersection and knew we were off the rollchart. We rode back, looked around for awhile and finally Milo discovered the trail entrance we had missed. This led to some great trail sections, which were actually dry and dusty. Plenty of brush to tear at the clothes and goggles too. Finally we emerged at the McCubbins Gulch riding area, hit highway 216 for the road rip to lunch. Along the way, we ran into a couple guys on XR600s, one got a flat. We tried a can of fix-a-flat from my fender bag, but no dice. He pushed his bike to a house across the street (the only one in what seemed like a 10 mile radius...how lucky is that????) and got a shot of air from the nice owner's air compressor, but still no luck, flat before he was out of the driveway. Left the bike in the front yard, doubled up with his buddy and rode to lunch.

Rest of the ride was uneventful but boy the Barlow road was fun. Traffic was light this late in the day so Milo and I wicked it up a bit for the final leg of the ride, as monkey butt was beginning to set in by now.

I wasn't able to ride on Sunday since I had only had a one day free kid-sitting token from my Brother-in-law and Sister who graciously came up to help out.

Here's some photos of the gorgeous view for those who rode up to the radio tower peaks on Sunday, taken earlier in the week (Tuesday) during pre-ride. Boy, too bad the weather didnt' work out, the view that could have been!


Was a great event. Thanks Tom & the rest of the gang for putting on such a good ride!

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