2008 Snow Dog pre-ride

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2008 Snow Dog pre-ride

Postby Danno » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:23 pm

I just got home from working on this years course with Tom and gang. I have to say I'm quite impressed with the course Tom has for the day to The Dalles. Fantastic views, great 2-track, very little dust, fabulous single track and NO SNOW! We had Steve Doan with us Saturday, and Jim Dukes, Mike Moore, and Gary Anderson showed up today to help. Jim and Sharon Loveall showed up this evening, and Jim, Gary and Tom will be working on the loop into Washington the next couple of days! Mike and I will be back up to the Hood River County fairgrounds camp Wednesday night. Our big job will be to ride Tom on having the roll charts all done early Friday! Wish us luck! The best news for this year’s ride is; we finally got some good single track to use! We’ve been short on trail the last few years, and this will be a great chance to make up for it! Tom was going to try and get on-line to post some pictures and video, so stay tuned to this board. We’ll see you all there next weekend! Danno
"I usually tighten my nuts better"

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bin rydin
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Snow Dawg

Postby bin rydin » Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:05 pm

I am bringing my usual 16 X 20 foot tarp, three smiles of baleing twine, five saint Bernards with kegs hung around their necks, and my one inch black dawg "flashlight" from last year...
I have decided to leave at home on my tool bench, all the cares of the wirld, any respect I might have lost from not creasting "that" hill in 1992, and my Honda CT 90 spare engine,

I also want to remind those of us "campers" that quarters are really handy to bring as they are what make the hot showers happen, after the ride, at the fairgrounds, so I have a roll of them... praticcalities.

Bonnie has gained a few pounds, 3.8 gallons to be exact
that would be $16 in " Dino Juice" to the newly trailinated

so she said to me in the sweetest tone
"bin, we can get lost for say, 171 to 226 Smiles" before that evile sweeper Dan guy
comes to awaken us with his chain saw"

I don't even want to think about that...

I useually thighten my nuts to the recommended tourque then strip the ****in threads
with one last lunge...

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Good Campin' info!

Postby Danno » Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:34 pm

Lee, you always crack me up! I'm looking forward to seeing you and Bonnie!

Lee, you're right about the showers. They run on quarters, and they run out right when the last bit of soap rinses off! Man it sure felt good, though. I had 2 days ride on one shower! There is talk that we might have a place for a fire. We're working on it. Now if we can just get some wood! The park looks pretty good, as they have just mowed the grass. See you there, Danno
"I usually tighten my nuts better"

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bin rydin
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Postby bin rydin » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:59 pm

Let me know (before Wedsday night) if you get the OK to have a fire & I will throw some firewood into Bonnies Chariot. I am heading that way Thursday morning, save me a spot with two trees by the football field so I can tie my "Flying Nun" tarp up. It rained here pretty good today and the Hood River forcast said about the same there. I hope you did not clog the shower drain with two daze worth of dirt?

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