nude baby in garage

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nude baby in garage

Postby bin rydin » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:26 pm

Today I made a new addition to the bin Rydin family of garage jewelry

Let us all welcome a brand new 2002 XR 250 R to the garage
Thanks to the sharp eyes of Joan's Youngest Son Adam Cortell
who reads "Craig's list"
He found a "Showroom Condition" 2002 XR 250 R, just over in Grants Pass
The owner wanted 1/2 of the new price and said he had ridden it 4 times
but it would not start, and the gas petcock would not turn
and he would not sell it until he got a new petcock & got it started...

which took two weeks
and then it still was not right because it leaked gas
and ran like crap

(I mean ~> I leak GAS all the time
And it ...... ain't no CO '2 ...babie
Plus I Run like Crap...a lot...
AND "sometimes" I even snore)

So yesterday, I robbed the bank (it seemed like it because I ran the teller out of hundred dollar bills...)
And drove over to G. Pass today, (it was only 71 degrees, because of glo~bal~war~ming)
and this bike IS SHOWROOM Fresh baybee

I mean the headpipes have never even been hot, they are still golden shiney
the little chrome headpipe manifold nuts shine like mirrors
The stock issue Bridgestone tires still have that little "suction cup" depression in the knobs that does not even last 100 miles
All those shiney nuts and bolts that have that little dab of yellow paint on the nut/ bolt junction are still ... yellow dabbed
All the threads on everything are still shiney, and the plastic is original new... W/O a mark on them
The stock O Ring chain is still set at the factory #"6" position on a 45 point snail adjuster
The Green engine case gaskets that turn brown after one ride are still brand new Green
the underside of the fenders have never seen even dust, let alone rockey mud trash and logging debries...
the stock air filter, is still clean on the original factory oiling, the original engine oil is still amber

My bike almost looked this good in 1997, before I rode her pants off the next day down in Klamath CAliforn ia,
setting arrows for the 1997 Redwood Scramblers 2 day "trail ride"
Then I took her to Tawm's Black Dawg the next week to "break her in" proper like"

Oh, there are just a couple of "modifications"

The original owner put on Renthal Bars, and Cycra bark busters (durn)
and took off the carb, and silencer butt plug, and furked up the jetting / float level >>> really bad
but I have furked up a carb worse than that and ridden for a couple of years,
Art & Don & Tom & would know about that...

Well the bad part is it does not have that "happy button", electric start,
so Art will still be able to point and laurf at me every few smiles, when I stall out
and I have to reset the carb to stock, and reinsert the silencer butt plug because he took it out, but he had it in a bag

I got "it" started and he / she...??? has got the float set so low it surges and runs on full choke lean, pretty good
you can smell how lean it is, EPA would love it !!!
I ran it through all the gears, brakes, I mean this puppy is brand spanking new, right down to the tires

When I heard that Honda quit making these,

(1) I knew I HAD to have a brand new one.....for........Well............., ahhhhhhh, the following "reasons"
(2) Whenever my "New" 1996 XR 250 R was hopelessly unrepairable........
I mean it has had its engine rebuilt 4 times already
olde "Bonnie Meadowes" can't last forever, can she ???
(the Orange Dawg XR 217 Honda Reflex TRL expirimental bike tounge thing (with eyes) is in Re Tire ment,
living in Florida, last i heard...
(3) Kind of like an Organ Donor Program ?????
(4) Like, ah, man, I had like this empty space in the garage, mon ???
and I had to convert those devalued american bank credits ARM high risk morgage mexicandrugdesprarados credits
into hard XR Japanese iron, aluminum, plastic futures
before the stock market, ah, whatever...dude, like crashed ??? like...
(5) I like XR 250 R's ~~~> even if they don't have electric start
(6) and mine is 11 years old and got rode hard and put home muddy all its life

I picked "Reasons" (1), (5), (3), (4),(6), & (2).....myself...but not in that order...

I have not "Named" the new addition to "the family" yet
but the "Christening" and "Baptism" will be announced soon
right now I am just making a little "nest place" in the "baby garage"
where the new addition to the family can sleep comfy while we get to know eachother
and I burp her little carburator until she/he gets over the colic...

new baby gifts can be sent to: Rocky Mountain M/C ~> C/O "bin Rydin account"

Thank you Adam Cortell for finding this relic

the dude that sold it to me
left the multi year olde gas in the tank while he replaced the petcock with a new one...
how lame can you get ???
my house now smells like petrofried dinosaure putrified kentuckie fried carbon credits "B.A.G."
(B.efore A.l G.ore) ,
i mean it is RANK with that burnt varnish smell of olde gas
but just perhaps,
it will control the most of the ants and misq uitos ? around the cape ferello neighborhood "stakeholders" area,
for about a square mile or so...
let you know later, after the CDC "clears" the survivors, and vacinnates the dead...
no wonder the petcock was "stuck",
well with "gasoline' at 3$ a gallon ~ what would You expect ?

as the newed Black Dawg Princess (she's dressed in red 2002 plastic , and black fork boots now) would say...

"Whew, Whew" and rootey toot tute...

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Postby Tawmass » Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:11 am

Hey Lee, about time you chimed in! Congrats on the new baby!

Maybe you should name your new hawg...

Or Clifford... :lol:
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New Babys Colic problem fixed

Postby bin rydin » Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:24 pm

Since it has been pouring rain here since 1 AM last night, the decision to work outdoors on the greenhouse foundation
or work on the new bikes digestive problems indoors was a no brainer
Well long story short, I could smell the varnish all through the house from trying to start the bike yesterday
And Guess What VARNISH !!!!!
I am starting to get the complete picture
New Unridden 2002 bike with a brand new unused tank of 2002 gasoline in it...

I mean I have put a few zillion gallons of gas through my old XR's and never seen Varnish like this
It took a good bit of scrubbing as the insides of that carb were the worst I have EVER seen
And I have worked on some doozies
This one actually had sucked up amber brown varnish from the main jet and it drooled out after the throttle slide down the intake track & manifold

(poor piston rings...) I must loosen them up a bit

Varnish clogging the slow jet entirely, Varnish keeping the float nipple from seating,
The Floats "set" by previous owner at an angle so one float was up while the other was down, niether even close to 0.49 inches...

Funny though, that all the carb screws had never seen a tool, like everything else on the bike.
While I had the tank off, I checked the valves (perfect).
Checked the spark plug (cruddy as sin), put in a new one I just bought two weeks ago as a spare for the fender pack.

Drained the tank into a toxic waste can, took out the "new petcock" he said he just put in...
It is yellow with VARNISH, it ain't new, and niether is the "O" ring he said he was waiting for...
I blew all that stuff out and put in new gas

Thought I might check the tires air pressure
How does 35 PSI sound ?
Put it down to twelve & went out in the rain

Started first kick
Runs like a furkin new bike
Tight & light

Art wants to know when the circumcision will be held
But I think this one will stay A Naturale
I could sure feel the lack of the extra 50 pounds of tire pumps, tire irons, tool kits, tubes, spare volkswagon engines, and the like that I have laden my 1996 XR with
Not that I would go serious riding without all that survival stuff
But Man It is nice to just have a plain light bike

So I ran around in the rain a bit, and she is one sweet bike
besides, we don't circumsice females...

This bike has not suggested a name or a sex yet, but it is a redhead...

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Good Deal, Orange Peel!

Postby Danno » Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:34 am

Hey way to go on the new ride! I think she sounds like a she to me... I could of saved you some time on the carb tear down. To richen it up, take your K&N out sray it with chain lub, then roll it in powdery dust! That will get rid of the EPA lean tune any day. Can't wait to see you on the new beauty, but I'll miss the old Lee and ol' Bin! Danno
"I usually tighten my nuts better"

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Postby Tawmass » Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:53 pm

Yo Lee, she got a plate? If not, good luck! :?
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Postby bin rydin » Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:43 pm

Well no,,,,, I haven't yet done the K &$ N air filter Mod yet...
but I have spayed myself and rolled in the dirt ???
(bad doggie)

What is up with this regisatrational thang Thomas ?

I just converterd the title ovew today
will kitting it be a problem now in oregono ?

I am still in this first love kind of place
like, do I want to ride your pants off, and git all you and me all scrachy ?
or do I want to preserve you on a pedistal?
hanging from the ceailing?
or just rob working parts, like china does. from your pristine bones...

to give to Bonnie, off course...

OR, do I just want a pristine DIRT BIKE that I ride like an outlaw
on my own turf
with just a small 12 gauge buckslug chain to defend Her ?

Bonnies younger sister, yet un named, is a pretty strong mount
Yep Danno, she is a girlie bike... Narrf ~ Narrf ~ Snort ~~~>>>
Her head pipes turned from golden to blued last night

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Postby Tawmass » Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:43 pm

Not much good news on that front, Lee! CLICK HERE to read some info about it.
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Postby bin rydin » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:28 pm

well tawm as that has bumbed out my afternoon
yet bin rydin has "A dapted" its/his "atti Tunes"
and de nude wirlded oder
will respond ~~~~~>

by the way ~ since I am now a newd entitie
could you add some multi colored light bars under my name

but still leave the "kick starting the bike" thange

"cause I still dew" kick it... from time to time, yah know

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Postby Tawmass » Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:04 am

Well shoot, Lee, wasn't trying to bum ya out, just letting you know the latest crap our elected officials are dropping on us. It sucks!

As far as the colored bars under your name, you just need to post more. :) You have two registered names. One is Bonnie Meadowes, which has tons of posts (notice the colored dots are maxed), but your other name of Bin Rydin has only four posts - not even enough to get the light bars going, so post more! :D
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Postby bin rydin » Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:47 pm

Big Tawm Say
I post more
I git E lectrict Start ~~~>>>

Sounds like a deal to me

I bin looking at replaceing two wheels on Bonnie
She be looking like one Thousand bucks

I figger I got a spare engine, and stuff
and stuff like shinie plastic, shocks, forks, ect...

I'm in um.....
NudeS Parts Bike
Bonnie Doaner all the way

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Postby bin rydin » Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:58 pm

It might get a little ugly as 2002 fresh hondy red get mixed up with 1996 "whiteie" stuff
VIN ie might just stay the same...
the rebuilt forks and shocks will of course remain
yet the nuts and bolts
might re arranrge

perhaps an XR orange Dawg tounge, and a couple
or three eyyes

will wag your way

when it all sorts out

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Postby Tawmass » Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:02 am

Sounds like a .... :P

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Postby bin rydin » Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:52 pm

well a Frankin bike would have EEE lectric start ~~~>
and I am wonder ~>wring if there is an Electric start Honda Quad out there

It seems that Honda made an electric start 400 cc quad that interchanges with an XR 400
So that the XR 400 can have push button start
AND that AlMighty REVERSE Gear...

I have seen one of these FrankinStien monsters in action
down at the May Sheet Iron Ride over to Fort Bragg CA

Bonnie askes WHY people without kickstand ability need four wheels and Electric start ???
but I remide her of the time (S)
I slid my nuts up to her gas cap
in some rut
and could only kick start her about a half kick after a hot stall
while sliding backwards
off some yuckie incline

I think she vapor locked out on me... about then...

Yup I need a FrankinBike
a bike that weighs less than twice my weight (140)
starts with your thumb
able to leap log jambs
with a single bound

faster than a speeding Chuck Sun
cooking barbieque at Mc Cubbins Gulch
after green ribbons
lead me into temptation

deliver me from evil
and may BBR slide down my chimney
and never get back out



Last edited by bin rydin on Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby bin rydin » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:15 pm

My Son, who was actually born within millimeters of this.....
told me in no uncertain terms
that I must not rob parts off the virgin bike...


I just laced up a nice Gold Anodized Excel front rim and spoke set on the 96 XR250 "Bonnie" bike.
It went so well I just ordered a back Gold rim and spoke set.
Getting the old spokes loosened up and out took some torch heat and graphite, and sweat. I broke the first spoke before I got out the torch.
I numbered all the hub holes and wheel holes 1 to 36 for each spoke and weather they crossed over or under the other spoke
I wrote this on the old rim, then transferred it on to the new rim "1Over 2Over 3 Under 4 Under ECT" next to each hole.
I measured the rim to disk brake distance and rim to hub distance, and checked it against the shop manual,
it was 2 millimeters off spec ...
I put the new spokes in the hub, lubed them with waterproof grease, put 25 millimeter spacers under the rim to set the disk brake offset to 20.25 millimeters, put each spoke nipple on about one turn after lining up the hub hole number with the wheel hole number, then "exercised" the hub up and down a bit, then finger tightened all the nipples.
Then I got out the wheel trueing stand Nathan got me a couple years ago, and damn if I was not within an 1/8 inch of true in both dimensions !!!. I pulled out the straight edge and got my 20.25 millimeter disk edge to rim edge dialed in,
about then the power went out for an hour, so I was in the dark working next to a window,
and slowly got it down to a millimeter or so from perfectly round with all the spokes making the same "Ting" sound...
Cleaning off the kato pen numbers on the rim with carb cleaner, I found out it also removes the red EXCEL LOGO, if you are not really careful, it is NOT anodized, it is painted on.
I don't know if its plain beginners dumb luck, but it went really well, but it probably took 5 hours from teardown to finished.
Part of that was building the truing stand.
I am gazeing at a brand new shiny gold rim with shiny silver spokes & nipples against a glossy black truing stand AHHH...
Looks so good I will have to put an Ultra Heavy Bridgestone tube, new Kenda Tracmaster and rim strip on it.

My son is that downhiller Mountain Bike guy
what you going to do ???

Dad is 56 on an XR 250

Lookie out

Shinie nude RIMS

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Postby Tawmass » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:51 pm


You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.


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