Photo's - 2005 Black Dog

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Photo's - 2005 Black Dog

Postby Dive » Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:22 pm

Here are some of my photos from this years Black Dog Event.

What a blast. Saturday turned out to be primo. Nearly no dust and
the trails were excellent. We were given two stints down the Barlow
Trail and some fun riding on some powerline trails and in the OHV
area over there in the Mt Hood Forest.

Our group leaving camp was kinda big and by the first check point we
picked up another rider, Scott on his BMW ... This guy did the whole
A course on his beemer .. Having pushed one of my bikes off an A
course once, when I realized I didn't belong there, I have to take
my hat off to him .. Way to go Scott. So how much did that GS course
cost ? ... seems like you got your monies worth.

Tom and the gang, thanks for another super weekend of riding at the
Black Dog. Were looking forward to next years ride already.

PS .. So was anyone else kinda worried to turn a corner and run into
the whole Lithuain Army on the Sunday ride ? ... What the hell was
that all about, they didn't look to pleased to see us. And i wasn't
too comfortable seeing all those masked men with guns.

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Lituanian Army

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:52 pm

I saw all those rigs parked around a creek crossing
My first thought was some king of Gaia fish worship gathering
when i saw them all suited up in camo with AK 47's and night vision
my worry went down to "orange alert"
when i got around the next corner my worry level decreased way down
to a pleasant smile grin normal roost level (paisley, plaid, multicolored)

i waved at them and went really slow and quiet
they waved back, yah baby...

i think they were the national guard training
my camp nieghbors think they were the local "militia"

but seeing as they had 3 grand of garb on each

and all the mills are closed

it must have been a taxpaYER funded "event"

you just have to wonder
what WERE they training for???
in some wet oregon creekbed
perhaps some damp iraci insurgents in a slug infested creek bed?

perhaps they are the new improved "forest service" training
to take out the toyota mudboggers
as so as to protect the almighty salminoids?
who knows, but they wre there...

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Postby Tawmass » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:58 pm

Pretty darned good pix! Did you change to a different camera lately?
Thanks for sharing.

So where WERE these camo peeps? I knew that the Earth Firsters :evil: were out playing in the Mt. Hood forest, but our routes were far away from them. Perhaps they were in training for their usual 'civil disobedience'. :x
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Earth First camp-out runs through July 12

ESTACADA -- The Earth First radical environmental group is holding a camping meeting through Tuesday in the Clackamas River ranger district.

The group obtained a U.S. Forest Service permit and cooperated in changing location of the camp-out, according to Glen Sachet, spokesman for Mount Hood National Forest. The permit is for July 3-12.

The group had planned to camp in Cache Meadow near Cripple Creek east of the former Ripplebrook Ranger Station. However, that area is wet this time of year, and the Forest Service persuaded the Earth Firsters to avoid damaging the forest by meeting a mile away near Shellrock Lake.

The group's schedule includes seminars, games and tours of existing and proposed timber sales in the national forest.
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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:46 am

well, they were east of sundays lunch i think
you climbed up on the main haul road after the marina
then you leveled out on top and made some time
thats where the toyota mudboggers were playing
then you had the downhill where huxley was a quarter mile to the left
a mile or so down that road was a creek crossing bridge, a hard left
thats where they were
if they were EF, we are FU...

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:51 am

oh, by the way
since when does EF
get a permit ?

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Postby Dive » Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:02 am


The camera is a Sony DSC-H1 ... I like it, but still wish I had never sold my F-717 .. Oh well too late now.

After lunch as we were heading north and upward along gravel roads. There was a large gathering of (30 to 50 approx) guys standing around in a group. They weren't camping as there were lot's of truck and vans there parked along side of the road.

From what I saw they all had army greens on, some of them had machine guns which looked real enough to me. After reaching a point far enough away from them I stopped and spoke to some of the riders in our group. They reckoned they were paint-ballers. .... Me thinks the truck with the long black tube on it with the lettering SKUD-MISSILE-SK7783 was a fake :-)

I was begining to think you had come up with a new check point game called "Get through alive and win a trophy" :-)


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I put some photos up on adventuresidecar

Postby RedMenace » Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:52 pm

Vernon Wade(The Red Menace)
Sidecar and Trike instruction

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