Thank You Tawm And CREW

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Thank You Tawm And CREW

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:15 pm

I had a great time this year
even thought, i must say, it weren't lookin to promising
from the git go
it was lookin ugly, new green ranger closing trails
wet there (weather) looking really wetter than even the 1994? "soggy dawg"?
driving up there into the rain wondering
am i insaine?
oh yes i am... now that i think about it...
gull duram...
OK i keep goin

i pull in the campground\
my reservation from May
is not there... i made it with the "donna"
but i get a new one anyway..,

the rain slacks off

i have 1300 feet of waterproof baling twine
and a 16 X 20 brand spanking new tarp (from china)
life is starting to look good (mo betta)
a couple of beers later
i have a friggin "non rain area" established
and life is looking pretty decent

i felt dry enought to go say "high" to a few old friends from past rides
meet some new ones as well,
throw a ball to a dawg that lives to fetch...
watch the young and old enjoy
from 2 feet tall to 7 feet???

a few more beers
and fell to sleep

they natives are ressless at 7 AM,
the dawn has passed me by, almost

the new "one piece" roll chart

with scotch~~~

tape (get you mind together son)

(and java, off course)

the check in crew all rosey and cheery
my "goggles" i think weerree a little bite blurrRRry
but Tawm has the nicest friends~~~

so off we go dustless
as in a dream
i can see~

just sprinkles of moisture instead of cloudes of dust
up Still Creek,
dawner, dancer, and blitzen
yeh haw
don't this traction beat all...

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:41 pm

a few miles later i learned
that i never skipped rope
that well
and witnessed one of the worst "near misses" of this ride

someone skipped rope backwards and fell over
and darn near got his head run over
it was a close save...
photos around the bend

the only injury was a
broken turn signal (hope he got to keep his DS points Sunday check in)

tunnel of love with ~uNdUlatIoN~
don"t hit your head on the upswing ben

brush that fish lake onto
fast forwared to A trail

beware of down logs and off camber debrievity
after black jack rocks
number 88 bike, just a bookin it like it was easy
a yammmahaler from yesteryear
from the great wayback machine (i forget, 77?, 78?)it think 79...
with layed down shocks/reserve chambers/very cool bike and rider

hopefully someday someone will "restore" me

oK~ what if you can't see your fender
for the brush ???
there might have been orange ribbon somewhere
on a
close pin

i would not have a clue
all i was thinkin was
"if there are any logs down below eyeball level that i NEED TO BE AWARE OF~
( i should ride the C)" baybe
becauase i am swimming in a sea of branches
at the momment

don't ask me
i were just survivin
minute by momment
Last edited by Bonnie Meadowes on Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:54 pm

a few more tight rocks later hit the mainline to lunch/gas/relax place
then back at it again
did a barlow two step
where you goes east up VERY NEAR "bonnie meadows" (i must say)
and back down again (without a lake climax)
and ride ole Barlow part east
then west to the old womans grave thing
more than a few got close to some timber there
the marks left were awesome

still creek waters lead
nissan upside down
but i never ventured there
no i never saw that margininal track
along side of the road
in the 90 degree earth
awesome track whoever

"i checked in to mount hood salmon rehabilitation center instead
got washed off and got vaccinated
and now i dont feel i thing anymore
all the volvo "people" stop by to worship my image
but now i am a hybrid
with a suburu fuel cell"

and then Danno was strummin his fender gittar
and the strings were ringing true
and Tawm did play riders of the range
and all was good once more

and all was good once more
and it rained some more
and i drank too much beer again...
so off to the pickup bed

to snore
to snore
~ sleep~ Rain~ Sleep
Last edited by Bonnie Meadowes on Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:35 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:32 pm

then the dawn came and passed me by
but i got up anyway
and put on my gear
and played

the aphalt 15 MPH turn black dawg
had in fact begun
and past sleepy hollow , (go slow dude)
was the two up couple with the bad carb///

the sidecars were assisting
and had bunk electric from the rain

and insanity
made a hard left on Mc cabe
Tawm had something going with road wordz that day
"Stuufin" "killingworth", and such...
"pistol, pie (eat my pony)"
and the like...

you know gary larson did some GreAte cOmiKs?

but on up to the "deLiverEnce "traIl" oh howdey
at first it looked like your "normal" evereyday slime infestested rooty
nightmare, because it was level and downhill frothe
it got worse when you doulbled back at ?.91
deft dummer and blinded turnned around with great effort
an uphill hot engine fall on the last uphill
all alone and kicking flooded engine
hopeing for deliverence
and swearing to be a "E" rider for the rest of my life
i slimed my way out of there
perhaps hikers would have a problem getting traction in the rain?
anyone who made it up there, more power to yah
i am not worthy

i would never want to SWEEP {that section} Gunny
without a logging chopper

so off the charts and uphill i found two roads alone,
both had tracks and in the rain alone
i reverted to b course
Danno caught me then defogging my lens
aughgh shughts busted...
and worn thin
huffin puffinn and kaput wornout

so up to the sceanick top of the hill
and over the other side
(you could not see very far~we were riding in a rain clould)
everyone got to lunch safe, but one slid on a corner, and landed OK
we saw "eat my dick" backwards on the pavement in big block letters
it was good to know we were "on course" {thAnkZ ThOmaSS}

and the deliverance folks were dumping their weekly trash
while unloading "ordinance" right at the very quarry spot

we got down under the clouds, down to the bridge reset...
Last edited by Bonnie Meadowes on Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Bonnie Meadowes
Posts: 224
Joined: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:12 pm

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:15 am

so lunch and goggles and gas refreashed
wobbly across the highway
and up up away
into the clouds again

those toyotas muckinn themselves into "deleverence hell"
and down (passed huxley up whipped / wet and old)
to find the line of SUVs by the creek
all decked in the finest matching color AK
more than 47

blew 15 MPH corner
came back into Estacada again and again
four times reset backtrack
saw 15 billion Christmas trees
almost made friends with deliverence's niece

she looked a bit loose and sloopy
and had these lease loose milk coco eyes

"come hither you big 250"
and slide downhill upon your back

oH Boy, what a guy going to do?
(i am still chaseing after Bonnie Meadowes tail)

"to be continued"

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