2008-4-13 Black Dog Recon Ride Report

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2008-4-13 Black Dog Recon Ride Report

Postby Tawmass » Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:20 am

I was supposed to head out with my bud Bill Johnston to do some recon for course routes, but all roads leading out of the Hood River Valley are STILL snowed in - oof! So I changed plans and headed out with my dirt bike with my bud Stevie Ray to meet Rocket Rick and did some A-course trail recon - what a blast! A few others joined us too: Julio, Steven, Jim, Dave. Check out how high we went - yep, that's where the dang snow level was - just under 2500 feet!

We started off the day with a couple riders getting snagged on some poles. Of course we waited till they got out of the hang up before we moved some of the poles out of the way. :wink:

Here's where we hit the snowline, right about 2500 feet. Jim falls to sleep.

This was Stevie Ray's first ride back in about a year due to surgery. Man, was he amped! (and riding good too!)

We came to a hill climb area called 'Rick's Hill' and this local guy on a clapped-out, old RM was there. Check out his bike! :lol: :lol: Rick stares in awe.

The RM Guy sizes up the hill. Then he ended up doing better than his buddies on newer rides! CLICK HERE to watch the video of his attempt at the hill!

Here's Stevie Ray and Steven bulldogging down a very gnarly trail. Yes, it was that steep.

Stevie Ray says, "We're going up that?" Nope. :D

We encountered some 4WDers along the way - nice folks.

Check out this awesome vista we encountered. Stevie Ray hams it up, while Rick and Steven debate.

We had a major blast even though we only did 16.8 miles, but it was almost all technical, single track! We're pretty stoked for the A-trail sections on the upcoming Dawg. Now if we can just get OUT of the darned valley! :D

CLICK HERE to see all the pix.
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bin rydin
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Snow on the coast

Postby bin rydin » Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:23 am

We got a couple of inches of snow here at 1000' just two miles from the ocean this weekend.
Last week they found a woman, dead, who was camping in her car just 15 miles from the ocean, her car was totally buried in the snow and she still had food. They had to snowmobile her out. Adam & I are slowly sawing our way through our trail system, basically every trail and road is blocked with massive blowdown and snow toppled trees in big masses of spring loaded tree traps. I saw one tree snapped off 50 feet in the air, it flew backwards against the wind, and planted itself as an upsidedown christmass tree in a roadbed, the top speared deep into the road. I tried riding once but every trail needs major saw work.
Sounds like you better look for lower elevation routes this year Tawm, since you moved the date up a month. Looks like you all had "fun" being pioneers two weekends ago. Nice Photos. Time to update entrys? Dino's new "digs" was compleated this weekend so now he has a rainproof roof over his head, and Dino just moved 35 yards of gravel around the driveway, so "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"...

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