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Have XR 400 licenced in Oregon, Washington says noway!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 12:56 am
by bardahlracing
OK, all you dual sporters, my good Bud just bought a street licenced (in Oregon), XR 400, he went to licencing in Washington state and was told matter of factly that Wa. no longer will licence for the road a bike that does not come from the factory road ready period, now I find it hard to believe that you can build a Glass dune buggy or a chopper from parts and licence it in WA. but a bike w/ a baja kit installed (this has it on it),cannot be licenced can anyone give any ideas for this nonsense or ways to get it relicenced in Wa.?, they typed in the vin # of bike and said nope!????? Help!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:58 am
by Tawmass
Hmmm.... this is the first I've heard of this! Not good. Let me check with my connections in WA on this.

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:59 pm
by Eric K
As a Washington resident the DMV is making our life challenging in every way possible. The licensing agencies in Washington look up the VIN prior to issuing a license. If the manufacturer designated it as off-road use only, then NO-GO.

The only manufacturers that *appear* to not be in the system are the small European manufacturers. I suspect that will change soon.

This is another method to shut down our enjoyment of dual-sporting and off-road riding in Washington.

Eric K

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:52 pm
by GG116
Unfortunately, it's true. Since 1999, it has been all but impossible to license any machine with an original title stating 'Off-Road Use Only', no matter the modifications. Erik's right - some Euro bikes can still get away with it, such as the Gas Gas that I recently purchased, but I'd only give that another few months. I could go on and on about the idiocy of the state government here in Washington, but Tom's server probably couldn't handle the overwhelming amount of data. As for me personally, I'm leaving the state at the end of the year.

:? :x :evil:

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:10 pm
by Tawmass
Well, if it's not already bad enough for my friends in Washington, now there's a few, rogue DMV employees doing the same thing in Oregon. Got any advice for us to fight this bogus situation before it gets worse here?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 5:37 pm
by GG116
Four baseball bats and three of your best friends sounds like a good start to me...

Just kidding, of course.

I'd do some research on the situation in California; some of Diane Feinstein's cronies in the state government were trying to ram a similar thing through, but were stopped cold due to some kind of a legal technicality. You can bet that District 37 is all over this - I'd contact someone from this district and get some ideas on how they've been managing the nonesensical legislative geeks.


Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:25 pm
by Tawmass
Good call, Scott, I have some contacts there, so will look into it. :)

Assembled bike?

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:16 am
by dilyb
If the Oregon transfer won't work due to the title search, it seems like the only remaining approach is to dissassemble and reassemble my bike to get a Wa license, eh? :cry:

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 9:35 am
by GG116

Unfortunately, I don't even think that approach will work - WSP rules state that in order for any vehicle to be newly registered with a new title, receipts must be presented for every last part on the the time of inspection (you'd be amazed at the hoops one must jump through just to get a home-made trailer registered).

The People's Republic of Washington is not a friendly place for anyone who's not a dedicated tree-hugger.

Scott/GG116 :evil:

The walls ARE closing in ...

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:15 am
by dilyb
Thanks, Scott. Yeah, what's a CRF450R trailriding guy to do in this state to connect a few trails together and get back to the truck, eh?

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:03 am
by Tawmass
That is SO bogus! They're trying to swing that way down here in Oregon too, as I've heard rumors of some people getting the same response from some DMVs.

Just don't get it. They would make more money licensing, plus more money ticketing people the may not have DOT tires and other extreme BS. I'm trying to make sure via OMRA that this does NOT happen in Oregon.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:30 pm
by GG116
DB - There is a way to do it. What part of the state are you in? Anthony at Ride Motorsports in Woodinville has a way. Since you ride a Honda, they will talk to you may be worth stopping by on a Saturday to have a chat with Anthony, if you're able. The only hitch is that the bike can never have been off-road licensed in Washington.

Tom - You wanna know the real irony? DOT tires are not required on dual sport bikes in Washington. How's that for pretzel logic?

Talk later guys.

Scott/GG116 8)

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 2:49 am
by GG116
Did I mention the 4 baseball bat, 3 best friends idea yet?

Git R Dun!

GG116 :D

No Prisoners... :twisted: