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Our new and improved rollcharts!

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 7:17 pm
by Tawmass
Yes folks, we finally have a way to make our rollcharts where you riders no longer have to cut and tape them together! :) In fact, we may just print yours out as you come through signup, since it only takes about one minute or less for one of our typical, mile-long rollcharts! As always, we try to make things more enjoyable for you riders and this is just one more feature about participating in our events. Our solution is somewhat on the expensive side, but we think worth it. We'll now use thermal paper, so no more smearing of ink if they happen to get damp either! They also roll up considerably smaller, so maybe we can enlarge the fonts to make it easier for you riders to read.

And hey, no more midnight runs to Kinkos on the night before a ride for us!

Can you tell we're amped? :wink:

new roll charts

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 6:39 pm
by lovalljm
Hey Tom: Are you going to share this with the other clubs so we may have those "new" charts all the time. I will miss the Black Dog this year, other pressing plans you know. But, I will be at all the other rides this year. See you at the Lobos in Portland on the 25th of June. Keep up the good work. By the way, I fixed the e-mail back to me from mindspring. It now replies back to: See you - See me.. JimL.

Re: new roll charts

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:40 am
by Tawmass
lovalljm wrote:Hey Tom: Are you going to share this with the other clubs so we may have those "new" charts all the time.

Yeah, Jimbo, the setup works pretty cool and I'll probably work something out with any other club that's interested.

lost ?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 2:22 am
by Bonnie Meadowes
well there goes my best excuse for getting lost
i will think of another one danno
"i just taped section 5 next to section 11"
thats all...
oh is this the hard way?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:56 am
by Tawmass
Yo Has Bin,
That made it too easy for you to get lost. We're doing our darndest to make that harder for you! :wink:

gosh darn tootin

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:48 pm
by Bonnie Meadowes
i have a whole month (and a week)
to think up other deviouse reasons
why i am here...<<<<<
and the roll chart is over there~ ~ ~ >>>
perhaps my odo is "off" ?
i might get a 23" front tire???
somehow i always seem to get back to camp
must be the beer,,,
in the tent
BTW, its "YO has bin Rydin"...

Re: gosh darn tootin

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 10:51 pm
by Tawmass
Bonnie Meadowes wrote:somehow i always seem to get back to camp
must be the beer,,,

That's because your bike always knows the way back to the barn! :lol:

BTW, its "YO ~ has bin Rydin"...

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:04 pm
by Bonnie Meadowes
usually my bike "knows" when it has
"run out of oil", or so it likes to say
(lyin basterd)
when I diss assemble its little 250 cc guts
there is usuALLY a few grams of "said oil" left on the table
still hanging around being lazy

like it was too late to the cam or something ???
go figure...
for goodness sakes
can you imagine the frustration ?

its lookin like a sooggie dawg ye

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:24 pm
by Bonnie Meadowes
so far this season, its looking like a soggie dawgY
low elevation ride
with extra tarps and baleing twine
over the camp
the best rain gear to you
that you might wear
rain X on your eye wear

as good as the NSA NOAH could predict
it might be dusty...

OK ~ give
just give me the roll chart\
tape and sissors...

i will bring the tarps, baleing twine, teqila
and other camp gear essentials...
its so hard now
i cant roll over on my stomach