nude baby in garage

Lee has a lot to say, we just hope you can explain it to us! Catch up on all of Bin Rydin's Quatrains here!

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bin rydin
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66.8 "close call"

Postby bin rydin » Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:12 pm

Yesterday, I compleated Bonnies Wheel gold hoop and spoke jew alry remake
with a Japanese Exc el hoop and spoke set for her rear end
and laceing it up to the factory 22.75 millimeters from the disk hub mount
without wobble nor out of round, it is

so the girl has nude shoes on both ends now
all a sparkle dudets
nude tires, rim stripes and all the bling factoid

we toke her out fer a riden test
to see ifin she was a woblin or naught y very good

she started first kick,
he who should know better
whent out without dark helmert, nor glovesz, to pro tect
and in dez nude wirld oders "fog bank" he rode

a bit foggy it was, with "Visibility" at less than 25 feet, if that
Bonnie turned into the JC turnaround place
Justuce a huge green truck came across Bonnies line
from the front@ too close for comfort range

head on colilition avert avoid system
in overt a ride

the visual fogoZfear meter
yet Bonnie tucked under the asphalt curve alive
and bin Rydin did knowet crap its pants...
this tyme

back in the Gar Arge, bin noticed the OD ometers readi ng
it was 66.8
two tenths of a smile from the "non accident site"
of 66.6 miles
(you do the math)

SApookie Baby, Hah Ha Whoie Yada Ville tyme

There Are Gaurdian Angels

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bin rydin
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Postby bin rydin » Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:41 pm

Once, I blasted across Highway 395
almost "home" after a 300 miler 2 day D/S

I was just looking the wrong direction
as i pulled away

into the oncomeing freeway lanes
it was late in the D/S and it had rained hard
I was warn out from freezing up at 10000 feet
but Bonnie was willing

and we rocketed across the highway
only after did "bin" get it...
yes young asswipe
you allmost hood ornament dude

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bin rydin
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bonnie says

Postby bin rydin » Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:29 pm

you ride these trails
and you almost swipe eD
every time you come home

all IS a light againe

you just every thing
and in one piece AGAIN

whenever you twist my frame...THEN,,,
I cry out your name

out they Ehere ~ alone in the dark tank trap
alone on the trail,

i kick you with vengenge
with bad gas at a minImum

whatever it takes
to get up that hill

gigglez and snorts
will A BIDE

I git short of breath
and the dust is thick

my valvles have ground down
and my knobes are slick

I say furk you
and you wave instead

whenever you dual spurt away
KNUCKy snort

I get snarkie in the roll charts
I get reversed and turned around
and all confusilated

the Dan rides backwards
throwing bean bags everywhere

I must have
one more bear..... (beer) whatevre ~~!>
whenever you get a daze off

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bin rydin
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Postby bin rydin » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:33 am

as the dim whit presie dentie o meh he vo geogierie ano
and the canadas nothern ice inflames

no one seems to compreeehende

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Postby Tawmass » Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:40 am

You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

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bin rydin
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rollin backwards

Postby bin rydin » Wed May 28, 2008 11:05 pm

Oh the great ass wippin great swaheli High above
once said to me
ass my ass waz pinned to the tree
with my bike sputin gas in mine eye

"Low that thou rolled back down that hill backwards"

thou ass is in a tea kettle, up against a tree
and thou cantst not move ~ yet the birdies fly about thou head
for I have proped your 250 upon your crown

to which I repsonded "sayith what ?"
perhaps i athe might pluck might pick yonder pine cone
from my nasal passage... first
let the little birdies free

I looked in my airbox and fastened my Duese
I filped off the chemtrails
and kicked off the "beast"
the gasoline caught, the plug did it's job

and Bonnie, and Dino, and Bessie
clawed at the earth

I aw ~akoke next to a four $ gas sign in mine face
the next morning

a bunch of candy dates were blowing my country cockeyed
Ron Paul was no where around to be mentioned

so the whole place folded up and was gone again

America, it was just a bad dream, it never really happened
at all
my virtual reality is on the scream again

come Dino & Bessie & Bonnie
lets ride against the wind

Contrairaian Seat while all go South
We ride North then turn around

Mine roll chart is upside down
come Bonnie & Dino & Bessie

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bin rydin
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Postby bin rydin » Wed May 28, 2008 11:38 pm

they don't understand until later
but then they totally "get it"
they watch your wavering trail manor
and aviod your rambling bull bleap

and ride till the trail closures
man date it
like the end is near
don't they know it

never to counter it's closure
for the big bad wolf
doed it

see me @ 86 toyata about it

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Postby Tawmass » Thu May 29, 2008 5:31 am

Hey Bin, we'll see ya at The Dawg, Dude, and that brand nude XR!
You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.


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