Dino got his oil change

Lee has a lot to say, we just hope you can explain it to us! Catch up on all of Bin Rydin's Quatrains here!

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Dino's Diary ~ New Hoesery and Red lights

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:10 pm

Today was a Dino Day (on the olde trail hoe)
Bin Rydin installed the last 5 of 19 hydraulic hoses of the 21 that needed replaceing
He swore on several Guantanimo Bibles, that the other two hoses "looked like they were already replaced"......
Dino took on a transfuasion of two quarts of hydraulic blood to replace the spillage (caute in old tobacco cans ~ no saminiods were displaced) patuee R&O fluid

Dino had a near fatale cadiackean meltdown, but Bin rewired both the engine smartbox connections before the crossing of wires could happen to spark that occurance
DINO now shows his age as two separate original Hydraulic hoses had aluminum seals with a date of April 76 (American Made I must Say !!!)
ah ~ spring babe Y

Bin Rydin (who never ever, ever wants to replace a reusable hydraulic hose end again in his NaTuraL Life) finally figures out how easy it is to do...
sets a new record (for an olde XR 200 ryder) in the 1976 hydraulic end replacement competitions (5 hoses in 3 hours)

Dinos "ride" ~ (his trailer) ~ got new wireing ~ it now has tail lights and turn signal lights
The stoppies lights ~ VILE have to furkin wieght !!! it vas never wired dis aways...

I have already prepared my responce...

"Officer ~ I have a ton plus ~ of DINO on a thousand pound trailer behind a 86 Toyota truck"
"Who needs BRAKE LIGHTS ? " Des iz more veight back der dan de truck could stop very fast ~ Comprende ?
no huan man could possibley rear end me unless they were in a drunken cell phone swilling Mc hildbeater on excstacys after midnight...

"the way i figure it
I need an extra loud HORN" ~ and let me show you my horn, i hav a great horn, 125 decebells, over here ~ listen
beep beep, beep beep
its horn went beep, beep beep

Look out Mexicans ~ I got me a cell phone, phonie licence, idendtity, and I am reading the instuct~ Tion manule ~ as we furkin ride down I~5
me and my 86 toyota with a ton and a half DINO onboard
Beat T hat Hombre
OH ~ you have the 80 Kiloton NewMexican BushTruckMobile do you?
did i tell you I have an 86 Reflex?

beep beep, beep beep
its horn went beep, beep beep
now i was going a hundred and five
as fast as i could go

beep beep, beep beep
its horn went beep, beep beep
when the old lady pulled up to me
and asked how to get out
of second gear

PS, morrow morning DINO gets new teeth implants down at the welder fishermans place
Tom knows him, he does great aluminum joints "mike"...

i will have to bring dino up to do the SLOW WALK Tawm........
he keeps telling me that he could break the slow record

and bury anybody that went slower

i keep laughing and buying parts

but somehow i think Dino wants me to take out the Hot Tub
and let him park there...

HELP !!!

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Dino went to the dentist & got a new lay

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:56 pm

Oh My, it was up early today
Dino had a dental appointment at 8 Am (Nude Tyme)
and Bonnie had bin up with bin up with bonnie
rammin down Blue Ribbons until after sundown (new time)
you see ~ CON gress made the whole earths sunups and sundowns change
i think it was nancy pelosie
she is really scary powerfull
but you can buy one for your intake track for only 89$ at Donnalsons Cycle

So we go to the dentist, and he welds the new teeth on Dino
While I grind away cutting off bad non existant welds on Dinos Chariote (trailer)
some of the welds were not really welds at all
Wewh ~ glad i did not go off roading yet

Dinos got a little indigestional gas in his system with all these hose transplants

mainly we fixed up his trailer today so he wont fall off on some iffy place we will take him
my ridin buddies know about iffy places
few others do

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Bonnie Meadowes
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:06 pm

Well ole Dino dragged his sorry ass up a couple of thousand feet
to try out his nude teeth... snaugh snaught...
and YES a little toyota 4 banger can pull a ton plus Dino up there
(know salminiods streams were infected in this "simulation" of a 1986 Toyota truck advertizement)

As Dino and bin Rydin mind melded
Dino made clear his "special purpouse" in life

THE CLAW baybee narf snort dig

not bad for less than 5 gallons of gasohole

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A couple o two by fours

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:21 pm

I have not told (dino) yet, that Dino will have to stay home alone for the weekend
the 86 ReFlex is going on the trailer instead

I figure with a tobacco can of screws and a screw gun
a few two by fours and some cheap tarp
a little bailing twine
and a LOTTA beer

a guy just might carve out some nude digs in hood river...

"canam youse hear me now?"

whats not to like about a dan
playin a chainsaw at midnight???


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Dino's Diary Sept 4'thg 2007

Postby bin rydin » Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:19 pm

DINO’s Diary ,,, Chapter 11… (Good Dino ~ bad Dino…)

I took Good Dino out Saturday and rode his pants off
I re did about 300 feet of old logging road
Put the down side on the UP side and laced it with waterbars

Moved tons of muck around, got a nice ditch, with a good slope so the rains will shed this winter
GOOD Dino…

Ran the 6 gallon fuel tank dry in 8 hours
BAD bin Rydin

Had an extra 5 gallons of brand 76 octane 92 new gas in the truck
GOOD bin Rydin

Poured it into Dino
Dino started taking a crap right about then so I limped him onto the trailer and got him home before dark thirty

The next day I flushed his gas digestive system, drained 4.5 gallons of gas into clear containers to check for water or rust
Ordered a fuel settlement bowl for him and got new gas lines installed

Labor day we had an appointment with the “dentist” as I was taking Dino over to Mike Griffiths house to get some torch work
Dino has a few stuck hydraulic cylinder pins holding his muscular claw, and one of his main claw muscles is leaking fluid and is “indangered” of having his mail claw arterial being cut into little itsee bittsee trail trash,
leaving him out on the trail, alone at night, with perhaps someone like, oh say ,the “DAN MAN”, to come along and fire up his chain saw
at 2 AM
it could git furkin ugly… U Know…
Tawm says he only arms his minions with dull butter knives… Right .

I think the year Mark Hyde and Chuck Sun were up I saw Randy on a picnic table with sharp TIRE IRONS
Now that was downright scarrrry baby

You see that look in their eyes as they are crewing on the bead of a tire
You ask yourself, “should I say, how is it going Randy?”

So back to BAD Dino…

BAD Dino had a hearty appetite for my bank account and time this time
He ate a 85 $ battery, Two 1” solid hydraulic pins (I bought him stainless steel replacements) (shinie baby), a Carb rebuild kit for 50$,m a fuel pump diampram for 30$, an engine shop manual for a mear 20$, And took the main arm ram down to Crescent City to get replumbed and repacked, and sent in an order for another 150 in hosiery and fittings

I knuded this was coming when I asked him into the household
So I spent yesterday (Labor Day) over at the welders
We both practiced up on our curseing abilities “Fridays in hell is gay day” (sorry if you don’t get the joke)

As he had to jump start Dino 50 to 70 times (I lost track) to git his little butt over to get welded and THEN again Back onto the trailer
The ACTUAL WORK took 20 minutes
But I was there from 740 AM till 330 PM

Thanks to Adam Cortell for that little spring clip that holds the float ring to the float needle
It ran , but it ran like stuff (less jump starts than before)
I have a new 50$ 2 cent part coming from Florida, plus it comes with a new FLOAT (which you needed anyway)

See, it all works out…

you get the little float needle clip back
AND at know extra cost a new 1976 brass float

And I get to limp Dino into the rehabilitation Ward

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feed bill

Postby bin rydin » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:37 pm

We have held Dino's "feed Bill" down to a mear $500 this week (I hope...)
His Claw Ram is being rebuilt and a new hydralic pipe made in Cresant City CAlifimex ica, pick up up Saturday AM,,,
New hose parts came UPS today
Carb / Fuel parts coming out a Florida, with an engine manual also from Cummins ~ Onan "Conan"
a new battery, but it looks like the alternator ain't charging either...
glad I got an engine manual on its way

But we ain't pouring 5 gallon pails of hydralic fluid into Dinos jaws, no more...

I did find out more about Dino's "reputation"
He was bought by the "east bay parks and recreaction" in Alameda County in 1975 with a Custom trailer

He rolled over on his opporator
and the county suied Dino's Creator...

Just peachie...

I have bin really nice to Dino
I think we think in the same way
say a little prayer
that Dino woun't roll overt on bin...

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Postby Tawmass » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:51 am

Hey Lee, is Dino something like this?

http://tri-statecompany.com/Images/Equi ... Bobcat.jpg

You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

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bin rydin
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Postby bin rydin » Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:05 pm

He looks exactly like this, only Cat Yellow

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bin Herdin Cats

Postby bin rydin » Mon Oct 15, 2007 9:44 pm

Since about August 4th, we bin herdin cats here
its bin raining a lot, and the cats are harder to round up
have not ridin a bike since diamond lake
but lots of parts are UPSin and FEDEXin to someplace

Dino's got this "Charging Problem" and a case of the "collic"
we did a little carb and fuel pump sergery $100 plus time
and gave him a new heart battery $85
then we find his rectifyer regulator is bad $200 thank you very much plus shipping
"you vant it dis month?" , no MF, i vant it last Christmass...
So I bought a Radio Shack 50 amp full wave rectifyer
and two "Moose" 150 watt dirt bike AC headlight regulators for $55 delivered
thank you very much

I am talking with this human being not from india

"what is the application?"

well its an XR 52589,
ah shucks, why lie.....

Its a one off Dino trail excavator
Illegal unregistered undocumented earth destroyer
that runs on sacret salminiod oil
and is lubed with spotted owl cartliage... OK ???

I just need to regulate the voltage below 14.7 volts above 3000 RPM on a full wave, I say
or I will boil the battery
away, git it?

In otter nudes the second 15 " woofer is comeing in
followed by a couple of Excel gold anoidized rim and spoke kits for bonnie

rock and wheel R us

(you would not want to see the inside of her rims, its ugly, aluminum rusts here on the coast)
I have bin running Bridgestone ultra heavy Dutys with ultra baby powder for the last several years
due to her rim rot.

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~~~ PING ~~~

Postby bin rydin » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:49 pm

the ultra regulative AC regulators for DiNo have arrised
They look able to handle 250 watts

Ve Vile grind them into heat sinks
and meld them with time

plugged into DC full wave rectification

aH ROm

the DINO shall trail...

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