Dino got his oil change

Lee has a lot to say, we just hope you can explain it to us! Catch up on all of Bin Rydin's Quatrains here!

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Dino got his oil change

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:40 pm

his filter is mighty fine
got his track zerks lubed up
and he's out for blood tonight
there is a passion in his heart
where this nation begain to start
and all the mighty flees
with badges and tela

arrive to put a stop
to anything you think is hot

when his claw is diggin
where the loco pig is rootin round
watereshed and trailie stuff

pew foundational rockiefeller stuff abounds

there is a fire upon it heart
and in its toes it knowes
~sorry tawm~
play your harmonica son

and further i assert
that any place in any nation
face mass desrimination
that now is time to act upon

what they think is right

Bush has got a nAMEchange
Putins got a face change
Dinos got new oil change
his spin on filter tight wound

zerks pounded with grease and such tonight

the reach of agency
and NGO insanity
is just a color in the darkness
where few turn out to tread alass

the funnie part of all this is that
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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:44 pm

though the trail turns hot
few seem to see the switch ~ back ahead

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:29 pm

and hot into the barlow dust downhill camber
get their panties in a twist...

OK Howdy "bin", it did not rain so much as predicted on Saturday
so Dino the trail hoe, was untarped
and shall we say "serviced" by bin Rydin
not like you think ~ you evil Dr. Histle Beard (shame on you, you knave)

no instead bin gathered up all of his little whits, a few tubes of moly lube

Will,,,, I am warning you, one more "crack" about the "lube" and you will never get near Dino...

several grease guns, went to town twice for gas and parts
i got the hammers a screwdrivers out tonight

so here is the deal
I talked to this guy in Shady Cove
(wherever tawm is spawned from) Oregon
this afternoon that bought one
in a basket and has been rebuilding it ever since
He has a manule that he said he would copy
and send to me at cost

from talking to him it appears that I found all the zerk fittings but the one I was wondering about
that I could not find
THAT little zerk bugger
gets snapped off all the time
as it is where all the soil action is
made sence to me,
plus it is in this deep hole in the lower boom
(hard to get to, shucks)
Then there was one other zerk fitting that was really tight,
I will have to pull the pin out
and clean its clock and reinstall it

all in all that went pretty good
I figured out where to check the engine oil
(it holds 3.5, really 4 QTS with the filter, of oil)
and has this cool spin on full sized oil filter
that ain't cheap but is bigger than most cars have,
larger that a stock 22R Toyota does

so then I fired her up (can Dino be a she?)
perhaps she is a same sex thingamabobie
time will tell...

by the way I have called every owner of these trail cat things
that I can find (still finding more)
and one thing they all agree on is
"They roll over all the time,
so always carry a winch on it, and always YOU
(roll off the high side)"

one really great other tip was
"When she starts to roll over, push all the levers full forward"
a "full stop snottie" manuver if i ever heard one...

I think that it is wise, all 8 of them,
well probably just the six top levers,
leave the track levers alone...

So olde bin got everything all lubed up
and tickled Dinos starter button
Jeese what a pest ART is
when you are stuck in a pickle on the trail
first he has to ridicule you
for not having electric start
then he saves your ass
oh, by the way Thanks Art...
(for saving my ass numourouse times)
for no having electric start (or brains)

OKEY WILL Robinson,
no comments longer than three minutes are allowed here
if you signed in at the door
and got a colored dot on your forehead

So now I think I know the secret "starting Code" of the timeing
of the choke and the key and the throttle opening
yet all of these (except the key) seem to have a 15 or 45 second "delay" in there action
so i just try to "think" 24 or 36 seconds ahead
of what the engine sounds like
at the momment while it is warming up to OPerating tempature

then I engaged the tracks and went up the driveway
into the garden
and proceeded to dig out a Juniper tree stump
with one virgin swipe
MAN this thing has got a claw !!!

so then I went up to a kind of level spot
(no such thing around here, but it was kinda "flat")
in the garden
and set about to see
what all those levers do

well the two on the right side are your blade controls
you use them to push loose dirt around
and mostly to stabilize
the very unstabile Dino~mabobie

this machine has way more "arm" and "arm power"
than traction or stability
a full bucket of wet dirt,
swung around and stopped too abruptly
could easily send you down the hill
but it is digging machine

I dug a hole 3 or 4 feet deep by 8 feet long in no time
hum, that could come in handy ???

Will, I said "cut it out mon"...
Stop your fantisizein about the
Nude Wirld Ashland.org thing

it ain't a great bulldozer by any means
it just claws its way along
and levels with the blade
and tips over in a flash
if you furk up

one problem it had is that the boom goes
to the right really well
but when you try to spool it back to the left
the engine bogs really bad and the boom barely moves at all

perhaps Dino is a right wing republican radicle homo same sex christian fanatiXs
related to the infamouse skinnie trail boobie tra la machine

or maybe the spool is ferked up, or the opporating cylinder
is full of it...
we will get to the root of this left wing movement problem
as it really is a pain in the balence of the machine
I mean I can swinge left or right to balence my ride

it ain't poly ticks, at all
it are a mechanicle problemo
se habley espanolie
and all that other jazz they hand me

So now that I had warmed Dinos fluids up,
i took "her" back to flat ground
and drained her sludey oil and filter muck
and gave her new jewlrey fluids

i pulled the tarps over her,
and kissed her claw
as i walked away i
turned back and gave her a sweet snarl

And that is the end of tonights fairie tail
good night and sleep well

more of "Dino ~ the trail hoes" adventures to come...

{tawm morries bed time fantessie is tite llded}

"this baby just chomped through 3~4" roots
like they were just loose soil
man this girl has an appatite"

(Will,!!!!<<<<dude> my intentions are honorable

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OH MY ~ What a toUnge... "girls take note"

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:39 pm

Today was nice and sunny (with trails) so it was a good day to take Dino out on some fairly flat terrian and get all dirty,
and that we did...
We started by checking the dip stick on Dino's Hydralic tank, it was right at the "ADD FLUID" line...
it took 4 GALLONS of fluid to get up to the "STOP RIGHT HERE" line, so OK I spilled a little bit but one quart does not even wet Dinos wistle...
So my first hope was that Dino would like the 36$ worth of oil so much that his little boom would swing to the left with renewed gusto
that was not the case
So I proceeded to mark all 12 upper and lower hoses and there recepticles
and after removeing 8 of them had replumbed Dinos major controls to see if the control spools were the problem
they were not the problem ~ Shucks, and other choice verbage...
So then I re connected said controls so I could "blow out" each hose line to the problem circuit that runs the boom back to the left
That did not work either...
The lines and the two cyliders that run the boom are of course buried between the tracks in the underbellie of Dino
where the Sun Don't Shine

To say that olde bin Rydin was not annointed in ten weight hydrallic fluid today would be an understatement

So I figures, what to hoe, lets go just dig a ditch then

So Dino and I meandered up toward the mailbox, about 1300 feet in Oh I'd say 14 minutes tops
and we started to dig out a nice ditch to keep all the neightbors runnoff water from running into my well
and keep all the road runoff in a nice tapered channel also not running into my well

Well we made about 8 ~ 900 feet of really nice ditch in less than 4 hours


I am starting to get the hang of this beast
The "hoe" part really does a lot of the work
the blade part just is a kind of loose dirt shaper kind of thing
I mean it will dig a little bit but it ain't no bulldozer
I got to use the tilt 6 angles and all that stuff, it works

Fortunately I was near home on pretty "flat" ground as several other little problems popped up
seems there was not a big cotter key in one of the buckets one inch hinge pins, so the pin decided to take a walk out of the bucket, but bin put it back in before
it did anything problematic
there is another pin just like that one that is frozen up without a cotter key that won't take grease that need purshuasion, pollish, a cotter, and molylube
and one more pin with a broken off zerk in a bad part of town...
in a really hard to get to location (wouldn't you know)

But the good news is Dino and I went a little "offcamber" today and managed to survive
I contacted a guy last week who has a service manule he will copy for me

All in all, I think this is one really fine trail hoe................

PS, now Art thinks i have a "dirty mind"..... jees guys
Will Hisltlebeard started it, I mean ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>>>>

its furgin winter nuggin
and a guy gets a new used trail hoe
and dumps 10 weight hydralic fluid all over his head
and says "lets go Dino. lets go get that DITCH"

and you think there is something "funny" about THAT ???

perhaps I just have BeNt Friends with TwiSted PsYcies that did not make or ride a TraIl toDay ???

perhaps my friends are doing cancer theropy, buried under snow, getting ready to throw crab pots, logging trees,planting bulbs, selling and renting stuff,
flying planes, teachin school, programming computers, retireiees rebuuildin apartment complexes, and "all that other Jazz they hand me"

what yah think...

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Postby Tawmass » Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:07 pm

You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:30 pm

What a day this has been
First we moved Camp Black Doawg (soggy dogs) Mount Hood 2005 digs 16 X 20 foot tarp over and combined it with some of fisherman Tom & Carols
olde rope he left me several years ago
and with the help of a ladder and judiciouse zip ties we made a "dryer spot"
here on the wet leftist coast
you could call it a "less than one hundred percent wet spot" if you wish
for little "Dino" to kind of "Corral Up" in for the winter time

photos later...
yeah I kind of gave him a dry place to park...

I know, i am such a soft touch
Yeah Hah Hah Ah ~ and all that stuff ~ Avast
slay all the virgins and rape the old men
oh my, did i just say that ??? or was that the secret "plan (((B)))" ?

Dino was really hungry this morning
seems he had polished off the 4 gallons of hydralic fluid i fed him Saturday
and wanted two gallons more before he would even cross the driveway
so i bought another pail of his favorite feed

furker eats like a horse
actually that is not true, i did a lot of hosen bleedin diagnostic purgin the otter daze

So throught the deviouse twits "skills"

bin had found a cross match with two names that matched and got a phone numberZ
that worked. !!! and contected him with the DAD of DINO

answered the phone

70 years old and still making trails and trail machines
Dinos Dad lives over in Medford and runs a trail building company

He and his DAD invented DINO
we had a nice talk about how to do a liver transplant on DINOs left wingging Swiging problemo
apparently these little Dinos were originally only 24" wide
so i have the big wide extended super model
with the extra blade and track width

This Dino is number 262, and Dinos Dad said they only made a few more than 100, and started with # 100
So this Dino is probably only 8 or 10 years old (near the last one ever made)
and incorporates all of the knowledge improvements known to man
some were shipped off to Japan

In the background I am hearing the sound of a video tape that I am now recording for "Tom & Carol" and the rest of you gasoholic race adventure types
It just came un announced in the mail, and I just took a mossie look at it and you are going to love it to death
It is the lead guitarist and bass drummer of Pink Floyd raceing the "La Carrere Pananamericna"
2500 miles of Mexican road in 6 days
you got porshas, studibakers, buicks, WFO over the Mexican back roads set to race cliff hanger music, language, and furkin WFO race paced cornering exhaust
Pink Floyd has enough bucks to make a great tape and the race footage is just excellent
the music is modern and fits right in with the action
it ain't the olde acidic stuff at all

look for it in your mailbox

Porshe Carol will really like this one, so the first copy goes to Her and Tom...

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Postby Tawmass » Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:38 pm

You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.


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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:38 pm

Okey Tawm ~ U and Art N Karen get the second mailings


workin the badmitton scores now
ok ~ checkpoint is clear ~>>>

if i can stay awake a few moments longer
all three shall be
re nude

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:22 pm

Well I got the most difficult of Dino's Problems fixed, Dino's boom would swing right but hardly move left and it would work the engine to a stall while it strained to move left. At first I thought it was a political problem but after reading Dino to sleep several nights from Al Gores Global Warming book ~ the problem did not improve... ~
So I tried the right wing approach ~ and started tearing things apart,
and low and behold down under in between the tracks, under the hydraulic tank, very buried, is a little access plate that lets you barely get at the two boom rams, and hooked to the boom rams were two restrictor valves. I finally realized how they operated, and that one valve had a broken adjuster knob, and which way to turn which knob. For a while I had the boom reversed so it would swing to the left and not the right, finally I had it just perfect where it swings both ways with ease. This took a bit of time as my hands were in this awkward place where you could barely move and covered with slippery hydraulic fluid. While in there I noticed a steady leak from one of the rams inlets and was able to tighten that fitting up better than one full turn. Then I shot detergent over the area and hosed Dino off with hot water. Dino had leaked another 3 gallons of fluid this week and I think I just found where it was going, in a place you would never see it going, down under in a hole.
So I topped up the fluids (again) and took Dino up to the garden and dug another big hole. to get familiar with the controls and see if the fluid level dropped again, and see if I had really stopped that leak. Looks like I fixed that. So what's left to do is drill out a broken grease zerk in a very hard to get to spot and replace it, and free up one very stuck grease ram pivot point and repin it, and fix the throttle cable end at the engine. I keep picking up little things that are not quite right, oh they still work, but they are not set up the way they should be. Oh yeah, I found three ram pins that had no cotter keepers holding them in place and repinned them.

THIS just came in from Fisherman Tom in Bandon OreyGone

"You must keep Dino happy; he's part of the family. I just fixed a problem on my tractor that had been built into it 50 years ago. The foot brake and foot clutch rods rotate one inside the other. The grease zerk was not drilled through and no grease could not get between the two shafts. It was bad when I got the tractor and finally the shafts froze together. I had to pull the engine and center frame and then cut both shafts in two. They were so rusted that I had to cut the outer shaft along it's full length to pry them apart. Then clean the whole mess up and weld the shafts and drill the grease hole through. Wonder what a shop would have charged.
A happy tractor is a good tractor. Maybe some Mother Hillary nursery rhymes for Dino."

THAT sound like a lot of work to me Tom
but given the alternative of reading Hillary Rhymes??? Hum, let me think???
I think i hear my mother calling me from gitmo
got to go now.....~~~~~>>>

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Postby Tawmass » Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:24 pm

Not sure why, Byn, but this is the vision I get of you on Dino. :lol: :dancing1:

You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.


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Postby Tawmass » Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:29 pm

Yo Lee,
That video was great - thanks! Ellen and I sat down and watched it today and we both liked it. You're right - great video AND tunes. You rock!
You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.


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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:55 am

Nothing like a green 52 Buick leaned over in a corner smokin its tires
to get a couple amorouse...

what are those "toothy" automilies?

Joan and I just watched the flic again over a pork roast
we can hardly wait for the 2012 Troy Lee Designs "Fred Flintstone & Wilma" Ryding Gear to be released
narf narf
will have to ride necked till then, i guess

Damned if I did not find even more zerks on Dino yesterday
the durn inside track roller bearings

Joan thinks the word "ZERK" is somehow hilloryariouse
I explained that Sir Hillory Zerk (of Grease)
invented these little nipples of lubricity
i think she actually believes me

I came in the house with moly grease
up to my elbows
sayin that i had a hard time with two Zerks on Dino
and Joan just gave me this silly giggle

Wimen? what planet are they from?

Dinos Digges (his nude winter home on the range)
are getting wind tested as we speak
these chinese tarps are not as stout as claimed
one corner ripped off last night
perhaps I be buying a canvas one from Kansas

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:48 pm

the planet oide revolves ever quicker
as we seem to not watch
we wistle as we stroll along
and pretend to watch our feat

ask any earthling if they ever felt it touch
waterborge them all day long
and nothing will you touch
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~?
as stray energys gather where
none can see
with every rockfeller attempt
theses dudes are exempt

and if a crazy old man
should erupt from his tent

i would be the first to back away
and give them wilderness instead

some may not understand yet
and gather to the fire

somewhere inside you all
you know this all is dire

you ride it off as if it will
go away and leave alone

your planet taken over
al gore cast in stone

we be the last two strokers
yet china smokes just fine
we got trail clotiers
while thousands of burning pines

point at the forest service
oh my my ~~~

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Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:30 pm

I sea we got some rules now
to throw them overboard
and all

if they get their chainsaw
above 98 decible
after midnight\

i was quite all day
taking off Dinos Wheels
and spinning bearings in the light

reserecting baleing twine\
and putting back that witch storms tore down

deep red and purple tounge
its blood is running hot
burning off this fungus gene spliced snot

Dino's getting bearings where
few of us get caught thinking about
what it is to live and
what it is to die
and all

and if this campfire is warm
and if the music stumes
the brew of
a warm summers night

some will never understand
otters see the light instead

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Dinos Black Bogger Thingie mabibbie

Postby Bonnie Meadowes » Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:04 am

Dinos box came in alright
lets see ~ hundredes of fittings and 75 feet of hoses
of baby, looks like work to me, yes it does
have you ever replaced "reusable" hydralulic fittings?
i now have...
first day = six hoses
secincond day = seven hoses
only seven more to go
sure glad its winter
neadless to say ~ no bin rydin since Dino came to camp out here
i think no bin rydin moved to washington DC
became the semelence of hillery
and voted for the no bin rydin ryder ever since
meanwhile ~ back at home agent JIC 37
is whirling hoses like you would not believe
Dino off course is giving directions...

its a little strange around here at the momment
but hey it always was anyhow

the black bogger thing is only because you must cut the hydraulic hose
and trim it with a cut off saw
the black rubber powder dust
well, it makes black bogers

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